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Concussion Information

Pawnee Community Unit School
District #11

Creating a Community of Empowered Learners in an
Atmosphere of Mutual Respect and Trust!

Mr. Alexander, Superintendent
Mr. Tim Kratochvil, Junior High/High School Principal
Mrs. Jennifer Loftus, Grade School Principal

September 4, 2015

In early August, Governor Rauner signed a law which adds a new section to the Illinois School Code.

This law addresses concussions. The law went into effect immediately. What does it mean for the school district? We had to develop a Concussion Oversight Team. This team was developed and moved forward to meet the requirement of the law. We developed an emergency plan for interscholastic activities to address concussions that may occur. The team was also required to establish a return-to-play and return-to-learn protocol after a concussion has occurred. The return-to-learn-policy had to be put in place regardless of whether the concussion occurred during school interscholastic activity or in the classroom. This means return-to-learn affects all students. We are encouraging you to let the school know if your child was concussed outside of the normal school day. This will help us put the proper return-to-learn and return-to-play procedures in place.

What does this mean for parents and students? By law, the school cannot allow a child back into school or participate in the interscholastic activity without a signed note from a medical doctor stating they may return. We are encouraging parents to make sure these return notes state any restrictions on the note. The school cannot allow your child back into the classroom or interscholastic activity without going over the Post-Concussion Consent Form and the parent signing it as well.


Once the student is back and involved in the classroom or an interscholastic activity, school personnel will begin monitoring the student and using the return-to-learn and return-to play protocol to determine how each student will be accommodated for their concussion. Please communicate with the school or have your child communicate with our personnel on their progress daily. The protocols put in place are to make sure students with concussions are being monitored properly. Communication to and from school will be key in this process. If you have questions, please contact the offices. 

I have included a copy of the Post-Concussion Consent Form and will also put a copy online.


Gary M. Alexander


Post-Concussion Consent Form

Concussion Letter


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Pawnee CUSD 11 810 N. Fourth Street Pawnee, IL  62558

PH: 217-625-2471 Fax: 217-625-2251

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

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